Fra skuffer og skap.
Vi benyttet helgen til å rydde. Kikke litt lenger inn i skapet og hente frem ting vi ikke trodde vi hadde bruk for. Men hva finner vi ? Ekte og ærlig håndverk. Og når vi ser tilbake er det lett å la seg inspirere. Blande solid og varig håndverk med nytt design. Vi ser aldersforskjellen, men nytten er eksakt den samme. Og nå er jo tendensen en mix av gammelt og nytt håndverk…
La deg inspirere, – og nyt uken.
Out of clutter, find simplicity.
This weekend was spent organizing the contents of several drawers and cupboards. When you look a little further into the cupboard than you normally do you may find things you didn’t know you had, or even needed. So what did we find? True and traditional handicraft. When looking to the past we can find great inspiration. Perhaps try mixing tried and tested hand worked items with modern design. We can see the age difference, but their usefulness is the same. And these days it’s all about remixing and reusing the old and traditional.
Let yourself be inspired – and enjoy your week.