Vakkert, luftig og handmade by You.
Ute eller inne. Lag en enkel ampel, – eller samle flere til en hengende hage. Du kan benytte grønne planter, fargerike blomster, harmoni eller kontraster. Det er dine valg. Vakkert er det uansett, – spesielt med vårens fuglekvitter i bakgrunnen.
Lovely looking, hanging high, and handmade by you
Outdoors or indoors, one or more hanging baskets form a hanging garden in your home. You can even make them yourself with green plants, colorful flowers, harmony, or contrasting colours. The choice is yours. It will look great regardless, and especially so when accompanied by twittering birds in the background.
You need: Leather straps, scissors, and a flower pot.
Approach: Cut the straps in three lengths of 150 cm each. Gather all three and tie a knot in the middle. From the knot you should have 6 lengths of 70 cm.
Gather the straps in pairs, and tie a knot 10 cm below the previous one. Tie straps from neighbouring pairs into new pairs, and repeat, until you have a net to place the pot in. Finish by gathering all the straps in a knot at the bottom.